

探求科学奥秘 展望科技前沿 拓宽知识结构 促进学科交融


讲座名称: 新兴的蓝相液晶显示技术

Emerging blue-phase liquid crystal displays

报告人:Dr. Shin-Tson WU


Shin-Tson Wu is Pegasus professor at the College of Optics and Photonics, University of Central Florida,USA. He is a Fellow of the IEEE, OSA, SID, and SPIE, and the recipient of 2011 SID Slottow-Owaki prize, 2010 OSA Joseph Fraunhofer award/Robert M. Burley prize, 2008 SPIE G. G. Stokes award, and 2008 SID Jan Rajchman prize. Prof. Wu has coauthored 7 books and ~400 journal papers, and obtained ~70 US patents. He was the founding Editor-In-Chief of the IEEE/OSA Journal of Display Technology. He also serves as SID Honors and Awards committee, SPIE G.G. Stokes award committee, and Vice Chair of OSA Publication Committee.



Polymer-stabilized blue-phase liquid crystals exhibit several revolutionary features, such as microsecond response time, no need for alignment layer, optically isotropic dark state which leads to inherently wide viewing angle, and insensitive to cell gap. The latter is particularly attractive for large panel LCD fabrication. In this workshop, we will present the basic operation principles, material properties, and device structures for lowering the operation voltage, suppressing hysteresis, and enhancing contrast ratio. Potential applications and remaining technical challenges for next-generation display and photonic devices will be discussed.

讲座时间: 20111031日(周一)19:00-20:30

讲座地点: 九龙湖校区教1---111



