



         根据学校的安排,2011-2012第三学期中将邀请美国圣地亚哥大学教授Susan M. Lord为电子学院、信息学院和吴健雄学院10级的同学开设全英文《电子线路》课程。该课程将取代面上课程计划中《电子线路》必修课程。请相关院系同学到班长处报名,报名时请提供校英语46级、国家46级英语考试成绩以及其它英语水平测试成绩(托福、雅思等)。因为班级规模的限制,将在报名的同学中挑选约30人参加该课程的学习。报名截止期:1228。请各班班长在截止前将本班报名名单报送各自学院教务办公室。





















附:课程简介 Course Information


Instructor:               Dr. Susan M. Lord, 260-4507, Loma 214, slord@sandiego.edu


Textbook:                R. Spencer and M. Ghausi, Introduction to Electronic Circuit Design, Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ, 2003.  ISBN 0-201-36183-3


Catalog data:           Analysis and design of analog and digital electronic devices, circuits and systems including single and multiple transistor amplifiers, logic gates and other digital logic building block elements; low frequency models of bipolar junction transistors and field effect transistors; design features and characteristics of integrated circuit operational amplifiers; computer-aided analysis and design; laboratory design, testing and verification. Three hours lecture and one laboratory weekly.


Course Goals:          To provide students with a fundamental understanding of the behavior and modeling of electronic devices and to introduce students to the design and analysis of linear and non-linear electronic circuits.


Objectives:              By the end of the course, students should be able to:

1.       Model the low-frequency behavior of several common electronic devices:  operational amplifiers, semiconductor diodes, bipolar junction transistors (BJTs) and field effect transistors (FETs).

2.       Use device models appropriately in the analysis of simple linear and non-linear electronic circuits.

3.       Design simple linear and non-linear electronic circuits.

4.       Use a circuit simulation tool (PSpice) as an aid in the analysis and design of simple electronic circuits.

5.       Measure low-frequency device parameters experimentally.

6.       Construct simple electronic circuits and verify performance characteristics experimentally.


Laboratory:               Meets weekly.  Students will work in instructor-assigned teams of 2 - 3 in lab.  Details on laboratory policies will be provided in lab. 


Homework:               Assigned weekly.  Generally, due in class one week after being assigned.          No late homework will be accepted.


Tentative Schedule of topics

1.                   OpAmps  (2 weeks) 

2.                   Diodes and Circuit Applications (2 weeks) 

3.                   BJTs (2 weeks)

4.                   FETs (2 weeks)

5.                   Single Transistor Amplifiers (3 weeks)

6.                   Multiple Transistor Amplifiers (2 weeks) 

7.                 Tests (1 week)