澳大利亚教授Prof. Stephen Hanly学术报告并招收博士生


澳大利亚教授Prof. Stephen Hanly 5月26日来我校给学术报告(内容如下)。他有意招收博士生。请有兴趣的同学参加。

Title:  5G Wireless Networks: Small-Cells, Massive MIMO and New Spectrum Opportunities

Speaker: Professor Stephen Hanly, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia

Time: Monday, May 26th, 2014 , 10:20am

Location: 无线谷1号楼1208


Demand for wireless data services continues its exponential growth, and pressure is mounting on the limited radio spectrum. The great challenge is to design the next generation of wireless networks to accommodate this explosive growth. This talk will touch on a number of important research questions and results, with a particular focus on both small-cell offloading, and massive MIMO,  to increase the spatial re-use of the radio spectrum. We will also provide information on research opportunities and PhD scholarships currently available in my group at Macquarie University.  I have scholarships for international students that include both tuition and living stipend.



Professor Hanly received his Ph.D. degree from Cambridge University, UK, and was a Post-doctoral member of technical staff at AT&T Bell Laboratories from 1993-1995. He is presently a Professor in the Department of Engineering at Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia, where he holds the CSIRO-Macquarie University Chair in Wireless Communications. He has been invited as guest Editor of two recent IEEE JSAC special issues: “Cooperative Communications in MIMO Cellular Networks” in 2010, and “5G Wireless Networks” in 2014. He is a highly cited researcher, and has won several prizes for his research including the IEEE Infocom best paper award, and the Joint IEEE Communications Society and IEEE Information Theory Society best paper award. His research interests are in wireless communications, networks, and information theory.