

王桥,理学博士,教授、博士生导师。1997年在武汉大学数学系获得博士学位,1999年在东南大学晋升为副教授,2001年晋升为正教授,2003.1-2004.1为哈佛大学高级访问学者。科研兴趣为城市科学与生命科学及医学中的各类应用数学问题和视觉分析问题,现担任《ICT Express》等期刊编委或资深顾问。目前合作承担国家自然科学基金重点项目“基于大数据的城市中心区空间规划理论与关键技术研究”、国家重大专项“村镇聚落类型谱系识别与数字交互展示”等项目。













 2001/4 - 至今,教授 

 1999/4 - 2001/4,副教授 

 1997/6 – 1999/6,博士后 


B004105 现代信息论 (秋季,博士生课程)
S004106   数字图像与视频处理 (春季,硕士生课程)








1.Zhicheng Liu, Jun  Cao, RenjieXie, Junyan Yang and Qiao Wang,  Modeling Submarket Effect for Real Estate Hedonic Valuation: A  Probabilistic Approach, IEEE   Transactions on Knowledge and Data  Engineering, doi: 10.1109/TKDE.2020.3010548.

2.Jun Cao, Junkai  Zhu, Qingyao Zhang, Ke  Wang, Junyan Yang, and Qiao  Wang, Modeling urban intersection form: Measurements, patterns, and  distributions, Frontiers of Architectural Research,  Available online 4 December 2020

3.Zhicheng Liu, Fabio Miranda, WeitingXiong, Junyan Yang, Qiao Wang and Claudio Silva, “Learning geo-contextual  embeddings for commuting flow prediction”, Proceedings of the  AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence. 2020, 34(01): 808-816.

4.Qinghe Liu, Zhicheng Liu, Yinfei Xu, WeitingXiong, Junyan Yang, and Qiao Wang, Finding Urban Community Structure Using  Public Services Distribution Information, 2020 IEEE International Conference  on Big Data (Big Data)

5.Zhicheng Liu, Shuai Yan, Jun Cao, TanhuaJin, Jiabo Tang, Junyan Yang, and Qiao Wang, “A  Bayesian Approach to Residential Property Valuation Based on Built  Environment and House Characteristics”, 2018 IEEE International Conference on Big  Data (Big Data), 1455-1464

6.Zhicheng Liu, Jun Cao, Junyan Yang and Qiao Wang, Discovering dynamic patterns of urban  space via semi-nonnegative matrix factorization, 2017 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data), Boston, MA, 2017, pp. 3447-3453, doi: 10.1109/BigData.2017.8258332.

7.Ning Wang, Xianhan  Zeng, RenjieXie, Zefei Gao, Yi Zheng, Ziran Liao,   Junyan Yang, and Qiao  Wang, “Unsupervised classification of street architectures based on InfoGAN”, 10th International Conference on Pattern  Recognition Systems (ICPRS-2019), 2019, Tours, France

8.Yuhao Zhang, Xianhan Zeng, Zhicheng Liu, Yuming Qian, Junyan Yang, and Qiao Wang, Identifying  Land Use Functions Based on POIs and Buildings Data, First  International Conference on Advances in Signal Processing and Artificial Intelligence  (ASPAI' 2019), Barcelona, Spain

9.Xianhan Zeng, Ning Wang, Zefei Gao, Zhicheng Liu, Junyan Yang, and Qiao WangVitality Evaluation System for Street Architectures Based on  Mobile OD Data, 9th International Conference on Imaging for Crime Detection and  Prevention(ICDP-2019), 2019 p. 4 (19 – 25)

10.Jiabo Tang, Zhicheng  Liu, Yuancheng Wang, Junyan  Yang and Qiao Wang, Using Geographic  Information and Point of Interest to Estimate Missing Second-Hand Housing  Price of Residential Area in Urban Space, 2018 IEEE International Smart Cities  Conference (ISC2), Kansas City, MO, USA, 2018, pp. 1-8, doi: 10.1109/ISC2.2018.8656965.

11.Yumin Qian, Zhicheng  Liu, Junyan Yang and Qiao  Wang, “A Method of Exchanging Data in Smart City by Blockchain”, IEEE  Smart City, 2018


1.  Dandan Qian, Wei Li, Jinwen Xue, Yi Wu, Ziling Wang, Tao Shi, Songting Li, Jingxuan Yang, Shi Qiu, Shaoli Wang, Yousheng Shu, Liang Chen, Qiao Wang, Ti-Fei Yuan, Douglas Zhou, Wei Lu, A striatal SOM-driven ChAT-iMSN loop generates beta oscillations and produces motor deficits, Cell Reports, Vol.4(3), 2022, 111111

2.   Tao Sheng, Danqin Xing, Yi Wu, Qiao Wang, Xiangyao Li, Wei Lu, Journal of Neuroscience Methods, Vol.361, 2021, 109286

3.  Rui Liu ,Yingying Yue, Zhenghua  Hou, YongguiYuanb and Qiao Wang, Risk factors associated with cognitions for  late-onset depression based on anterior and posterior default mode  sub-networks, Journal of Affective Disorders, Vol.235, pp.544-550, 2018

4.  Rundong Wang, YuanchengWang,   Yuhao Zhang and Qiao  Wang, 3D Multi-Scale Convolution Nets for Pulmonary Nodule Detection,  IET  International Conference on Pattern Recognition Systems (ICPRS-2018),  2018.

5.  Rui Liu, Yingying  Yue, Haitang Jiang, Jian Lu, Aiqin  Wu, DeqinGeng, Jun Wang,   Jianxin Lu, Shenghua Li,  Hua Tang, Xuesong Lu, Kezhong  Zhang, Tian Liu, Yonggui Yuan and Qiao Wang, A Risk Prediction Model for Post-Stroke  Depression in Chinese Stroke Survivors Based on Clinical and  Socio-Psychological Features, April, Oncotarget,  Vol.8(38), pp.62891-62899, 2017.

6.  Jian LU, Wendong  LIU, Rui XIA, Qigang DAI, Changjun  BAO, FenyangTANG,Yefei  ZHU and Qiao WANGEffects of closing and  reopening live poultry markets on the epidemic of human infection with avian  influenza A virus The Journal of Biomedical Research, 2016, 30(2):112–119

7.Yingying Yue, Rui Liu, Jian Lu, Xiaojing  Wang, Shining Zhang, Aiqin Wu, Qiao  Wang, Yonggui Yuan, Reliability and validity of A  new post-stroke depression scale in Chinese population, Journal of Affective Disorders,  Vol.174pp. 317-323, 2015  



1.Jian Lu, Yinfei  Xu, Ping Zhang, Qiao Wang, On Secure  One-Helper Source Coding With Action-Dependent Side  Information, IEEE Transactions on InformationTheory, vol. 67(1), pp. 95-110, Jan.  2021, doi: 10.1109/TIT.2020.30261.

2.Yinfei Xu, Jun Chen and QiaoWang,  The Sum Rate of Vector Gaussian Multiple  Description Coding with Tree-Structured Covariance Distortion Constraints,   IEEE Transactions on Information Theory,  Vol.63(10), pp:6547-6560, 2017

3.Yinfei Xu and Qiao Wang, Rate Region of  the Vector Gaussian CEO Problem with the Trace Distortion ConstraintIEEE Transactions on Information TheoryVol.62(4),  pp.1823-1835, 2016

4.Yinfei Xu and Qiao Wang,  Asymptotical Optimality of Change Point Detection With  Unknown Discrete Post-Change Distributions, inIEEE  Signal Processing Letters, vol. 27, pp. 695-699, 2020, doi:  10.1109/LSP.2020.2983312.

5.Jian Lu, Yinfei  Xu, Ping Zhang, Qiao Wang, Secure Multiterminal Source Coding With  Actions, 2019 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT-2019),  Paris, France, Proceedings pp. 2174-2178.

6.RenjieXie, Yuancheng  Wang, Tian Xie, Yuhao  Zhang, Li Xu, Jian Lu, Qiao WangAdversarial  Training for Video Disentangled Representation, International Conference on  Multimedia Modeling (MMM'2019), pp.532-543

7.Dorian Cazau,   Yuancheng Wang, Olivier Adam, Qiao  Wang, and Gregory Nuel, Improving Note Segmentation  in Automatic Piano Music Transcription Systems with a Two-State Pitch-Wise  HMM Method, the 18th International Society of Music Information Retrieval Conference,  2017. 

8.Ping ZHANG, Jian LU and Qiao WANG, Performance Bounds for Relative Configuration  and Global Transformation in Cooperative LocalizationICT ExpressVol.2(1), 14-18, 2016

9.Xiaoyu Ding, Wen-Sheng Chu, Fernando De la Torre, Jeffery F. Cohn, Qiao WangCascade of Tasks for Facial Expression AnalysisImage and Vision Computing,Vol.51, July, 36-48, 2016











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