课外研学讲座——The reliability challenge for advanced technologies: A critical concern for research, production, economy and modern society


讲座名称:The reliability challenge for advanced technologies: A critical concern for research, production, economy and modern society

主讲人:Yves Danto

主讲人简介:Yves DANTO received the Ph.D degree in electronics from the University of Bordeaux, France, in 1967. He joined IMS Lab (Integration; Materials and Systems) in 1981, where he was in charge to develop a new team in device failure analysis. Appointed full professor in 1982, he managed the reliability research group of IMS, was head of the Electronics Teaching Department of the University of Bordeaux., and member of the National University Council. He concentrated his research on developping new concepts on reliability physics, as well as technological and design solutions to answer the very high reliability challenge that has to face industry in the last years. He published around 200 research papers in International journals and conferences, and about 30 teaching papers in international conferences. He is currently Emeritus retired Professor.

List of areas of expertise relating to device reliability: Reliability physics accelerated testing, failure mechanisms, failure analysis, devices and IC technologies, reliability prediction.




先导讲座(必听):Basics of reliability

- The Reliability challenge

- Basics definitions; statistical approach

- Mean life time and Failure distributions



系列讲座第一场(选听): Reliability assessment and life time prediction (3x45min)

- stress environment and aging modelling

- Test by “aging acceleration”

- Lifetime prediction

- Industrial strategies



系列讲座第二场(选听):Packaging and assemblies reliability

-Evolution of electronic assemblies technologies

-Main cause of aging and failure

-Techniques for failure analysis

-Assemblies design for reliability



系列讲座第三场(选听):Reliability of complex systems

-Mission profiles of systems and specifications of use

-Impact of complexity on failure probability

-Redundancy and its limitations

-The new approach of reliability monitoring



系列讲座第四场(选听):Reliability of high integrated semiconductor circuits

-Impact of down scaling on semiconductor IC

-Overview of DSM (Deep Sub Micronics) technologies

-Electromigration, Time Dependant Dielectric Breakdown ,

-High Current injection, Negative Bias -temperature Instability





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