课外研学讲座——Microelectronics and Nanotechnologies: engineering sciences at the heart of the connecting objects and of their applications


讲座名称:Microelectronics and Nanotechnologies: engineering sciences at the heart of the connecting objects and of their applications

主讲人:Olivier Bonnaud

主讲人简介:Dr O. Bonnaud is Emeritus Professor with “Institut d’Electronique et Télécommunications de Rennes” (IETR), Université de Rennes 1, France. Specialist in Microelectronics with a PhD in 1978, he obtained the full professor position in 1984 at University of Rennes 1 and Supelec (French “Grande Ecole”). He created in 1985 the Microelectronics Laboratory in Rennes that he managed during more than 20 years, and the Common Center of Microelectronics of West (CCMO). In the frame of these activities, he published more than 500 papers in journals, and proceedings of conferences, about three fourth for research purpose and one-fourth for pedagogical purpose. In 2010, he became Executive director of GIP-CNFM (Public Interest Groupment of “Coordination Nationale pour la Formation à la Microélectronique et aux nanotechnologies”. In this function, he coordinates the Higher education activities in microelectronics in France. Since 2011, he is Guest Foreign Professor of the South-East University, Nanjing, China. He obtained the position of “1000 Talents” Foreign Expert of the Chinese Government in 2013 that he always assumes.




系列讲座第一场: The MOS technology

- Principle of a MOS transistor

- Basic fabrication process

- Main concepts allowing the nanoscale technologies

- Three dimensional evolution of the elementary devices



系列讲座第二场:Thin film technology for large area electronics

- Principle of a thin film transistor

- Low temperature processes

- Field of application of thin film technologies

- Towards flexible electronics



系列讲座第三场:Power electronics and technologies

- Power devices families

- Electrical constraints (current, voltage, frequency)

- Specificity of the technologies

- The new integrated approach for power systems



系列讲座第四场:Connected objects

- Principle of the connected objects

- Combination of the technologies

- New heterogeneous integration and new packaging

- Field of applications





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