学术报告 | Verification of realistic quantum devices




Verification of realistic quantum devices


2019721日下午3, 无线谷A1号楼1402


Dr. Borivoje Dakić, University of Vienna, Austria


Borivoje Dakić is an assistant professor at the Faculty of Physics at the University of Vienna. He obtained his PhD degree in Physics at the University of Vienna. Since 2016 he is a member of the Foundational Question Institute (FQXi). His expertise lies in the quantum information theory, entanglement characterization and quantum foundations.


An important prerequisite for real applications of quantum technologies is reliable verification, i.e. the ability to accurately benchmark the functionality of quantum devices. What we see from recent experiments is that the further increase in complexity and size of quantum systems results in only a limited (rather low) number of produced copies of the desired quantum state, due to various technical and fundamental challenges. In such a case the following question arises: how can one reliably and efficiently perform quantum information processing, given only a finite number of instances of a quantum resource? In this talk, I will present recent developments in probabilistic (“few-copy”) verification of quantum entanglement [1,2], which opens up new possibilities for more resource-efficient quantum state tomography. These findings bring novel insights into quantum information processing, ranging from foundational to practical.

[1] A. Dimić and B. Dakić, Single-copy entanglement detection, njp Quantum Information 4, 11 (2018),

[2] Saggio et al, Experimental few-copy multipartite entanglement detection, Nature Physics, 2019.


