“无限未来”学术论坛 | Plasmonics: from Classical Electromagnetism to Quantum Optics (3.17)



Plasmonics: from Classical Electromagnetism to Quantum Optics


Francisco J. García-Vidal  Professor(教授)

Departamento de Fisica Teórica de la Materia Condensada and Condensed Matter Physics Center (IFIMAC), Universidad Autónoma de Madrid





 In this general talk I will present a personal overview of the research carried out in Plasmonics during the last twenty years. First I will introduce the different types of surface plasmons (propagating and localized) that can be supported by metallic surfaces. Then I will resume how, within the framework of classical electromagnetism, these surface plasmons have been used to create a kind of photonic circuitry, to detect the presence of bio-molecules and, more surprisingly, to enhance the transmission of light through subwavelength apertures. The last part of the talk will be devoted to present some of the last works that put emphasis on the quantum nature of the surface plasmons. In particular, I will show how surface plasmons can mediate the interaction between distant qubits and how the phenomenon of strong coupling can emerge when a collection of quantum emitters is in the vicinity of a plasmonic structure.   


Francisco J. Garcia-Vidal is a scientific group leader and full professor at the Physics department of the Autonomous University of Madrid (UAM) in Spain. Garcia-Vidal received his master’s degree in physics (1988) and his Ph.D. degree in Physics (1992) from UAM. From 1994 to 1996 he was a post-doctoral staff researcher at the Imperial College of London, working in the group of Prof. Sir John Pendry, where he began to work in the field of Nanophotonics. Since 1997 he has been associated with UAM, first as an associate professor and since December 2007 as a full professor. He has been also invited as visiting professor by the University of Strasbourg in France (twice), the Imperial College of London in UK and the University of California at Berkeley in US. Prof. Garcia-Vidal is the founding director of the Condensed Matter Physics Center (IFIMAC) at UAM. He was also the recipient of an ERC Advanced Grant (2012-2017) devoted to analysing quantum effects in Plasmonics and is also a Fellow of the Optical Society of America. From January 2018 to December 2021, he served as a Divisional Associate Editor of Physical Review Letters. He was the recipient of the King Jaume I prize for Basic Research in year 2020 and, more recently, he has been awarded with the National prize of Physics in Spain in year 2021.

Prof. Garcia-Vidal and his group have worked in different areas within Plasmonics and Metamaterials such as: Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering, theoretical explanation of the phenomenon of extraordinary transmission of light through subwavelength apertures, development of the concept of spoof surface plasmons and, more recently, Quantum Plasmonics and two-dimensional materials. He has authored more than 320 refereed journal articles that have received around 35,400 total citations (Web of Science, WoS). Prof. Garcia-Vidal has been included seven times (2013, 2014, 2017, 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022) in the list of Highly Cited Researchers in the field of Physics. His current H-index is 88 (WoS).