On Deep Learning Based Indoor Localization

Publisher:沈如达Release time:2018-06-28Times of browsing:702

Speaker:  Dr. Shiwen Mao, Samuel Ginn Distinguished Professor Auburn University, USA

When:      2018-6-29  10:00am-11:00am

Where:    Conference Room 1319, first Floor of A1 Building in CNV


With the fast growing demand of location-based services in indoor environments, indoor positioning based on fingerprinting has attracted considerable interest due to its high accuracy. In this talk, we present our recent work on using deep learning for fingerprinting based indoor localization where Channel State Information (CSI), such as amplitude and phase difference information, are exploited for location estimation. Specifically, we present the design of ResLoc, which employs bi-modal CSI tensor data to train a deep residual sharing learning network. We then present DeepMap, a deep Gaussian process based approach for indoor radio map construction and location estimation, aiming to greatly reduce the training burden. Experimental results are presented to confirm that with deep learning and CSI, the proposed system can effectively reduce location error compared with existing methods in representative indoor environments.

About the speaker:

Shiwen Mao (S'99-M'04-SM'09) received his Ph.D. in electrical and computer engineering from Polytechnic University, Brooklyn, NY in 2004. He is the Samuel Ginn Distinguished Professor, and Director of the Wireless Engineering Research and Education Center (WEREC) at Auburn University, Auburn, AL. His research interests include 5G wireless, IoT, and Smart Grid. He is a Distinguished Speaker of the IEEE Vehicular Technology Society. He is on the Editorial Board of IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, IEEE Multimedia, ACM GetMobile, among others. He received the 2017 IEEE ComSoc ITC Outstanding Service Award, the 2015 IEEE ComSoC TC-CSR Distinguished Service Award, the 2013 IEEE ComSoc MMTC Outstanding Leadership Award, and the NSF CAREER Award in 2010. He is a co-recipient of the Best Paper Awards from IEEE GLOBECOM 2016, IEEE GLOBECOM 2015, IEEE WCNC 2015, and IEEE ICC 2013, the Best Demo Award from IEEE SECON 2017, the IEEE ComSoc MMTC 2017 Best Conference Paper Award, and the 2004 IEEE Communications Society Leonard G. Abraham Prize in the Field of Communications Systems.