3rd Year I Computer Organization & Architecture I

Publisher:何万源Release time:2023-05-30Times of browsing:46

         I.                 Course essential information

Course code


Course Name

Computer Organization & Architecture I计算机组织与结构I


2 credits / 32 periods

Period Allocation

Lecture: 32

Course Classification

Specialized Course


The   fall semester in the junior year


College of Information Science and Engineering

Major Program

Information Engineering

Language of Instruction



Fundamentals of Computer Science

Follow up Course

Computer Organization & Architecture

Course Introduction

This course introduces the structure and function of computers and aims to provide a clear and complete introduction to the nature and characteristics of modern computer systems. The course describes computer systems from top to bottom and consists of five parts. The first part is the introduction and development of computers; the second part is the computer system and its main components: CPU, memory, I/O and the internal interconnection structure of the computer   system; the third part is the central processing unit, including the   instruction set and processor structure; the fourth part is the control unit, including the operation of the control unit and microprogram control; the fifth part is the form of parallel computer organization and parallel   processing. This course helps undergraduate students to understand the process of computer development and development laws, understand the structure and function of computer systems and the relationship with each component of the computer, and then design a computer with balanced performance of each part.

      II.                 Course content and Time allocation

1.      Computer Organization and Architecture, Computer Evolution and Performance (2 period)

2.      Instruction Sets (4 period)

3.      CPU Structure and Function (4 period)

4.      Control Unit Operation (6 period)

5.      Cache Memory(4 period)

6.      CPU Structure and Function(4 period)

7.      Superscalar Processors(4 period)

8.      Reduced Instruction Set Computers (RISCs)(4 period)