2nd Year I Course of the Digital System Design

Publisher:何万源Release time:2023-05-30Times of browsing:38

         I.                 Course essential information

Course code


Course Name

Course of the Digital System Design


1 credit   / 32 periods

Period Allocation

Lecture:   8Experiment:   24others:   0

Course Classification

Professional required course


Summer   semester in the sophomore year


College of Information Science and Engineering

Major Program

Information Engineering

Language of Instruction



Microcomputer systems and interfacing technology

Follow up Course

Computer   Organization & Architecture I

Course Introduction

With the rapid development of modern digital   integrated circuits, programmable logic devices (PLDs) are more and more   widely used in various electronic systems, which greatly improves the depth   and breadth of digital signal processing. PLD design represented by FPGA   (Field Programmable Gate Array) technology has become an essential skill for   modern electronic engineers. FPGA has been widely used in all aspects of   high-speed signal processing, and has become an indispensable basic device in   the realization of digital signal processing. The course systematically   learns the theory and knowledge of modern digital system design, focusing on   the design method of large-scale and small-scale digital systems using FPGA,   and comprehensively masters FPGA design and hardware implementation methods   through the systematic study of hardware description language.


      II.                 Course content and Time allocation

1.      Fundamentals of modern digital system design (4 period/in class)

To master the design process and methods of modern digital systems. The main contents include EDA technology, FPGA/CPLD device principles. By explaining the related applications and development process of programmable logic devices to develop large-scale integrated circuits. Improve engineering design capabilities through the design of common digital system function modules and the analysis and verification of typical digital systems.

2.      Hardware description language VHDL syntax (4 periods/in class)

Master the design foundation of hardware description language VHDL, the basic operation of Vivado digital integrated development software and simulation software. Using mainstream tools and reference processes, combined with specific examples, master the design, verification and FPGA implementation of large-scale complex systems.

3.      Experimental design (24 periods/in class)

Self-selected topics, master design ideas and experimental implementation methods in practice. To practice problem-solving methods, inductively analyze experimental data, explain experimental phenomena, draw experimental conclusions, and finally verify and comprehensively evaluate through the experimental platform.