2nd Year I Digital Circuit and System

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         I.                 Course essential information

Course code


Course Name

Digital Circuits and Systems

Course Classification

core course

Credits/Credit hour

4 credits   / 64 credit hour

Period Allocation

Lecture:   64others:   0


Fall   semester in the sophomore year


School of Information Science and Engineering

Major Program

Information Engineering

Language of Instruction



Advanced Mathematics, University Physics, Circuits

Follow up Course

Microcomputer   principle

Course Introduction

To master the basic theoretical knowledge of   digital circuits and systems, be familiar with logic components, learn the   basic methods of logic design, have the necessary experimental skills, and   prepare the necessary basic knowledge for subsequent related courses (such as   computer principles, etc.), and will be engaged in electrical engineering in   the future. The course plays an important role in cultivating students'   serious scientific style, abstract and rigorous thinking ability, digital   circuit analysis and design ability, experimental research ability, and   summarization ability.

      II.                 Course content and Time allocation

1.      Computer structure and logic design (12 period/in class)

To know computer development, introduction to digital signals and digital circuits; basic computer mechanism, computer operation, computer and digital systems; numbers and code systems in computers; logic functions and their descriptions; basic knowledge of gate circuits, etc.

2.      Analysis and design methods of combinational circuits, commonly used combinational logic devices (12 credit hour/in class)

Definition and analysis methods of combinational logic circuits; minimal design methods of combinational logic circuits; commonly used combinational logic devices: encoders, decoders, full adders, digital comparators, data selectors, distributors, parity circuits etc.; standardized design of logic circuits, programmable logic devices, competition and adventure of combinational logic circuits, electronic design automation.

3.      Analysis method and design method of sequential logic circuit (16 credit hour/in class)

Characteristics of sequential logic circuits; basic flip-flops and latches; integrated flip-flops; description methods of sequential logic circuits; analysis methods of sequential logic circuits; design methods of synchronous sequential logic circuits.

4.      Common sequential logic circuit modules (8 credit hour/in class)

Data registers, shift registers, counters; programmable logic devices; sequential circuit analysis including sequential logic circuit modules; designing sequential circuits with medium scale devices (application of sequential circuit modules).

5.      Memory (4 credit hour/in class)

Basic structure; Static RAM basic unit; Dynamic RAM basic unit; ROM.

6.      Programmable logic devices (4 credit hour/in class)

PLD\CPLD\FPGA, the main circuits are developed and produced by international companies, which are related to the structure, process and materials of the circuit, especially the innovation in circuit structure, circuit design technology and manufacturing process innovation.

7.      AD/DA (4 credit hour/in class)

Basic principles; commonly used DA and AD schemes; main technical indicators.

8.      Digital system analysis methods and design methods (4 credit hour/in class)

Basic concept of digital system, algorithm state machine, digital system design of successive approximation converter, design of traffic signal control command system.