


2011 Anaren Suzhou Campus Recruitment


About Anaren:

Anaren was incorporate in 1967.  Headquarter located in East Syracuse New York U.S.A.  ANAREN, INC. is a leading provider of microwave components and assemblies for the wireless and space and defense markets. Its distinctive manufacturing and packaging techniques enable it to cost-effectively produce compact, lightweight microwave products for use in wireless communication and space and defense systems. The Company currently maintains manufacturing locations in Syracuse, New York; Salem, New Hampshire, Colorado and Suzhou, China.


Anaren Communication (Suzhou) Co., Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary to Anaren Inc., was founded in Suzhou Industrial Park in Suzhou, China in the fall of 2002.  It gained customer’s trust after years of hardworking to produce excellent high quality, low cost microwave & RF components.  In Oct. 2006, Anaren Suzhou plant relocated from its existing 25,000 square foot to a new 76,000 square foot facility to accommodate its growing wireless infrastructure business.  It showed that China is becoming the wireless strategic focus of Anaren Inc.



    安伦通讯设备(苏州)有限公司是安伦公司的独资子公司,成立于2002年秋季,位于中国苏州工业园区, 主要生产用于无线通讯领域的电子元器件,几年来经过不断努力,我们的产品赢得了客户的广泛认可。 为了适应公司在无线网络架构领域业务快速发展的需要,2006年秋季,苏州工厂经过重新部署由原来25,000平方英尺的厂房搬迁至现在的76,000平方英尺。这意味着中国苏州已日渐成为安伦公司无线产品战略的重心。

更多信息请点击安伦公司全球网站: http://www.anaren.com

因公司发展需要,现诚招应届电磁场与微波通信专业硕士毕业生一名。一经录用,公司将提供具有竞争力的薪酬,以及完善的培训发展计划。请有意加盟我公司的同学将简历与成绩单以邮件附件形式发送至: SkSZHR@126.com(投递简历主题: 学校+专业)


工作地点:  江苏省苏州工业园区



Position:  RF Engineer

Broad Function:  Responsible for the design of RF & microwave circuits for the business unit.

Education/Major Requirements:
1     Graduates of Year 2011 with Master‘s Degree in Electromagnetic field and microwave communication

2       CET 6 or parallel qualifications is preferred

Competencies Requirements:

1       Excellent in teamwork, people skills and communication

2       Honest with good integrity

3       Self motivator with execution attitude

4       Good problem solving capabilities

5       Creative, innovative and justified risk-taking

6       Initiative and Follow-through