

2019年日本早稻田大学 IPS 学院“3+2”联合培养项目咨询会将在我校九龙湖校区举行。日本早稻田大学IPS 学院Integrated  Systems研究方向的Professor Takeshi IKENAGA(池永剛)教授和IPS  学院在读博士生将对该项目进行详细介绍。欢迎感兴趣的同学踊跃参加!




    关于日本早稻田大学IPS 学院,可查询官网:

https://www.waseda.jp/fsci/gips/ (日本早稻田大学IPS学院主页)


附:日本早稻田大学及 IPS 学院简介


      早稻田大学(WASEDA UNIVERSITY)在日本私立大学排名位居前列,本部位于日本东京都新宿区。其前身是 1882  年大尉重信设立的东京专门学校。1901 年改称早稻田大学,当时同时设置了专科部和大学部。1949  年的学制改革,该校随之成为新制大学。今日的早稻田大学是一所规模宏大、配套齐全的综合性大学,拥有 5  万学生、3000教师、9个学部,12个研究中心和研究所,已是名符其实的日本“私学之雄”。




       日本早稻田大学IPS 研究生院(Graduate School of Information, Production and  Systems, WASEDA University)(以下简称IPS)创建于2003年,位于气候温暖湿润、劳动力充足和贸易活跃的福冈县北九州市。





       Waseda University Graduate School of Information, Production and  Systems (IPS) is a graduate school that has no corresponding undergraduate  department established within the Kitakyushu Science and Research Park area in  2003 as the base for Waseda University to expand its presence in Asia.

       With three fields of study, including Information Architecture,  Production System, and Integrated Systems, IPS undertakes academic research in  the technological fields that society currently requires, and strives to attain  a sustainable society through the use of technology.

Education Research:

       Having immediately implemented lectures both in Japanese and English  for all courses at the time of its establishment, IPS has been creating an  environment where international students par excellence can also study along  with Japanese students.

    IPS actively conducts numerous joint research projects with various  domestic and international organizations, such as corporations and universities,  and participates in many public projects.


       The city of Kitakyushu(北九州市), where IPS is located, has long been  thriving as an exchange hub in Asia due to its ideal location. While it is a  globally and technologically oriented city, it offers an environment in which  residents can fully enjoy rich nature. Living expense is not as high as in the  Tokyo metropolitan area, allowing residents to live a comfortable life.

       In addition, IPS offers various types of well-developed scholarship  programs, supporting about 70% of the students.

Career path after graduation:

       There is a broad array of employers, both domestic and international,  in areas such as electric, semiconductor and automobile manufacturing, and  information-telecommunication services. Some students launch their own business  based on the technology that they learned at IPS. The number of students who  return to their home country to become a university faculty member after  obtaining their doctoral degree is also increasing.

       In this borderless environment where students come together from  various countries, age groups, and backgrounds, those who are motivated enough  will find opportunities to obtain engineering knowledge and a global perspective  required by the society.

Overview of Graduate School of Information, Production and Systems (IPS):  
