“无限未来”学术交流论坛系列活动 | Short Talk: The Challenge of Designing a Power Amplifier



The Challenge of Designing a Power Amplifier



Dr. Luis C. Nunes



10:50AM, Apr. 17th, 2023 (Monday)



Room 3412, Building A3, CNV



Although RF power amplifiers appeared immediately after the invention of the triode tube, and they felt an enormous advancement in the early 1930’s, they are still one of the most involved electronic circuits to design, as can be seen by the number of publications they still receive every year. So, as its title indicates, this talk addresses The Challenge of Designing a Power Amplifier, which every RF engineer has to face, and that includes, a plethora of 100 years of scientific knowledge plus a lot of empirical knowledge accumulated after many hours in the laboratory. So, the talk starts by giving an Introduction, where an overview of RF/microwave power amplifier needs and applications (mostly in the wireless communications billion-market) will be given. The talk will then evolve to the actual PA Design Challenges, illustrated with a practical design of a load-modulation amplifier architecture. Finally, the talk will close with some Conclusions.



Luis C. Nunes was born in Guarda, Portugal, in October 1986. He received the M.Sc and the Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering from the Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal, in 2010 and 2015, respectively. From 2016 to 2017 he was a RF design engineer at Huawei Technologies, Sweden. He is currently a Researcher Assistant with the Institute of Telecommunications – Aveiro, Portugal. His main research interests include active device modeling, nonlinear distortion analysis and design of microwave circuits, especially high-efficiency and linear power amplifiers. Luis Nunes is a member of the IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society (IEEE MTT-S) and the IEEE Electron Devices Society.