“IEEE电路与系统学会”学术论坛 | 75th Anniversary IEEE Circuits and Systems Society


IEEE电路与系统学会”学术论坛 | 75th Anniversary IEEE Circuits and Systems Society

报告时间:33日周日 下午2:05 – 3:10


Title: 75th Anniversary IEEE Circuits and Systems Society


The IEEE Circuits and Systems (CAS) Society is celebrating its 75th anniversary. Myung Hoon Sunwoo, the IEEE CAS Society president, will talk about the society's history and its plans for this big anniversary. This celebration is not just a reflection on the past but also a forward-looking endeavor, aiming to chart a course for the future of circuits and systems technology. The history of CAS, rich with advancements and innovations in electrical engineering and technology, sets a solid foundation for this special anniversary. This anniversary will try to get more people involved, especially young engineers, and look at new challenges in technology. This celebration is a way for the CAS community to remember its past, think about the future, and keep working on making technology better for everyone.


Myung Hoon Sunwoo (Fellow, IEEE) received a B.S. degree from Sogang University in 1980, an M.S. degree in EE from KAIST in 1982 and a Ph.D. degree in ECE from the University of Texas at Austin, U.S.A., in 1990. Since 1992, he has been with the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Ajou University in Suwon, Korea, where he is currently a Professor. He has authored over 470 papers, holds more than 120 patents, and has won more than 55 awards. He served as the General Chair of the International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS) 2012 in Seoul, Korea, and as the General Co-chair of ISCAS 2021 in Daegu, Korea. Currently, he is the director of the Medical Image-Based Intelligent Diagnostic Solutions (MIIDS) Research Center. He has been a Distinguished Lecturer at IEEE Circuits and Systems Society (CASS) (2009–2010) and has served on the CASS Board of Directors (BoG) (2011–2016) and as the IEEE CASS VP of Conferences (2018–2021). As the IEEE CASS VP of Conferences, he launched the IEEE International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Circuits and Systems (AICAS) in 2019. His current research interests include artificial intelligence circuits and systems, low-power algorithms and architectures, medical imaging diagnosis, and deep-learning-based channel coding. He is the IEEE CASS President (2024–2025) and is an IEEE Fellow.

Title: Insights in IEEE Circuits and Systems Society


This talk provides an in-depth overview of the IEEE Circuits and Systems Society (CASS), emphasizing its mission, membership growth, and extensive activities. Highlighting the society's aim to foster technological innovation and excellence in circuits and systems for humanity's benefit, it outlines the growth in membership, including a significant increase in student chapters worldwide. The document showcases the society's commitment to global professional development through technical workshops, entrepreneurship activities, and various seminars, underscoring the importance of engaging students as future leaders. Additionally, it details the success of the IEEE CASS Student Design Contest, showcasing the society's dedication to practical learning experiences. The talk also reflects on the society's contribution to technical excellence through its periodicals, which have seen notable improvements in impact factors, and concludes with a call to action for increased participation in society activities and events.


Yongfu Li (S’09–M’14-SM’18) is a tenured associate professor in Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China. He was a research engineer with NUS, from 2013 to 2014. He was a senior engineer (2014-2016), principal engineer (2016-2018) and member of technical staff (2018-2019) with GLOBALFOUNDRIES, as a Design-to-Manufacturing (DFM) Computer-Aided Design (CAD) research and development engineer. He is serving as the IEEE CASS Board of Governors (R10 Member at Large), IEEE CASS Standard Activities Sub-Division Chair (2024-2025), IEEE JETCAS Senior Editor, IEEE TBioCAS Associate Editor, and so on. Previously, he was appointed as the IEEE CASS Board of Governor (Young Professionals) 2020-2021, IEEE CASS Standard Activity Sub Division Chair-Elect (2022-2023), IEEE OJCAS Associate Editor in Chief, Associate Editor, IEEE CASS Women in CAS - Young Professionals (WiCAS-YP) Steering Committee, IEEE CASS Publication (2021), and Technical Activities (2020) Division, IEEE CASS Digital Communications AdHoc Committee, and so on. He has involved in different organizing roles in many prestigious IEEE CASS conferences (ISCAS – Publication, Student Design Contest Chair, ISICAS – General Chair, Publicity Chair, Local Arrangement Chair, APCCAS – Steering Committee Chair, TPC Chair, and other appointments in AICAS, BioCAS and so on) and other regional activities.