学术报告 | 美国维拉诺瓦大学Moeness G. Amin教授学术报告


报告名称:Radar for Indoor Monitoring

报告人: Prof. Moeness  G. Amin, Villanova University, USA




Seeing” through walls and imaging of building interiors are of prime importance in security and defense applications. For more than a decade, extensive research and development efforts have focused on first learning radar phenomenology for these applications. This is followed devising new algorithms to discern the “blueprint” of buildings, from outside looking, and to detect animate and inanimate objects behind walls. Some of these technologies are now driving a new radar application that touches on our daily living.  It is radar for indoor monitoring, remote health monitoring and telemedicine. Radar holds much promise as a relatively new sensor modality with unique advantages that may complement other sensors, e.g. visual, infrared, and wearable sensors. Recent research includes monitoring human motions for effective man-machine interface, quantifying changes in habits and daily routines, and detection of normal and abnormal motion activities. Radar can also be a valuable non-wearable device to alert first responders in case of human fall. This is an emerging and important application for assisted living and the broad area of “aging-in-place.”  In this tutorial, we discuss the on-going research and the main results regarding human activity recognition indoor. Both data-driven feature extraction and handcrafted features are considered. The former includes Principal Component Analysis and Neural Networks, whereas the former relies on the kinematic of human motion articulation. The challenges of classifying contiguous, inseparable motions are addressed. The tutorial will also deal with detection of gait abnormalities as well as automatic hand and arm gesture recognition.


Moeness G. Amin 教授分别是IEEE Fellow 2001)、SPIE Fellow2007)、IET Fellow2010)和EURASIP Fellow2015)。Dr. Amin 教授是2017年富布莱特高级科学技术****的获得者;2016年亚历山大﹒冯﹒洪堡研究奖得主;获得2016IET成就奖;2014IEEE信号处理学会技术成就奖得主;获得2009年欧洲信号处理协会颁发的技术成就奖;2015IEEE航空和电子系统协会的获奖者,获得雷达工程卓越奖。Dr. Amin教授是IEEE 第三千禧年奖章的获得者,他曾担任2003-2004IEEE信号处理杰出讲师,并且是富兰克林研究所科学与艺术委员会电气小组的前任主席。他与人合著了21本书的章节,同时担任有CRC出版社出版的“穿墙雷达压缩感知”、“室内监测雷达”的编辑。Dr. Amin教授在信号处理理论和应用方面拥有超过800份期刊和出版刊物,研究方向涉及无线通信、雷达、声呐、卫星导航、超声、医疗,FRID等领域。