










东南大学青年首席教授,博士生导师,国家高层次青年人才,华为紫金青年学者。长期从事智能电磁计算和高性能电磁算法研究,发表中科院一区论文20篇。提出的谱元谱积分算法被工业电磁仿真软件集成,应用于集成电路制造中大规模光刻问题求解。提出智能光刻实时计算方法,精度较台积电现行方法提高一倍。主持参与多项国家级和省部级项目。担任IEEE TAPIEEE TGRSIEEE JMMCTJ. Supercomput.等国际知名期刊审稿人。在IEEE MTT-SURSI AT-AP-RASCAPCAP等国际会议中作多次邀请报告。








   [1] F.-F. Wang, K.-M. Li, Y. Mao and Q. H. Liu, A Hybrid   Born Iterative Method for Diagnosis of Planar Arrays with Amplitude-Only   Far-Field Measurements, IEEE Antennas Wireless Propag. Lett.,   23(2), pp. 548-552, 2024.
   [2] Y. Mao, U. R. Patel, and E. Michielssen, “Wigner-Smith Time   Delay Matrix for Electromagnetics: Guiding and Periodic Systems with   Evanescent Modes,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., 71(5), pp. 4406-4416,   2023.
   [3] Y. Mao, Y. Zhong, Q. Zhan, D. Wang, and Q. H. Liu, “A   Simple Way of Applying the Calderón Preconditioner to a Finite-Element   Boundary-Integral Method,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., 71(6), pp.   5510-5515, 2023. 
   [4] Y. Mao, Q. Zhan, Q. Sun, D. Wang, and Q. H. Liu,   “Mesh-splitting Impedance Transition Boundary Condition for Accurate Modeling   of Thin Structures,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., 71(5), pp.   4612-4617, 2023.
   [5] Y. Mao, U. R. Patel, and E. Michielssen, “Wigner-Smith Time   Delay Matrix for Electromagnetics: Systems with Material Dispersion and   Losses,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., 71(6), pp. 5266-5275, 2023. 
   [6] L.-Y. Xiao, J.-N. Yi, Y. Mao, X.-Y. Qi, R. Hong, and Q. H.   Liu, “A Novel Optical Proximity Correction (OPC) System Based on Deep   Learning Method for the Extreme Ultraviolet (EUV) Lithography,” Progress   in Electromagnetics Research, 176, pp. 95-108, 2023.
   [7] U. R. Patel, Y. Mao, and E. Michielssen, “Wigner-Smith Time   Delay Matrix for Acoustic Scattering: Theory and Phenomenology,” J.   Acoust. Soc. Am., 153(5), pp. 2769, 2023.
   [8] D. Wang, Y. Hu, Y. Fang, Y. Mao, and Q. H. Liu, Fast   VIE-DDM for 3-D Electromagnetic Scattering of Complicated Anomalies in   Layered Media Using Adaptive Cross Approximation, IEEE Trans.   Geosci. Remote Sens., 61, pp. 1-9, 2023.
   [9] Y. Zhong, H. Wang, W.-F. Huang, Y. Mao, M. Yuan, L. Cui,   and Q. H. Liu, Efficient Domain Decomposed Simulations of Induction   Well-Logging Tools in a Deviated Borehole, IEEE Trans. Geosci.   Remote Sens., 61, pp. 1-10, 2023.
   [10] Y. Mao, Q. Zhan, D. Wang, R. Zhang, and Q. H. Liu,   “Modeling Thin 3-D Material Surfaces Using a Spectral-Element Spectral-Integral   Method with the Surface Current Boundary Condition,” IEEE Trans. Antennas   Propag., 70(3), pp. 2375-2380, 2022.
   [11] R. Zhang, Q. Sun, Y. Mao, L. Cui, Y. Jia, W.-F. Huang, M.   Ahmadian, and Q. H. Liu, “Accelerating Hydraulic Fracture Imaging by Deep   Transfer Learning,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., 70(7), pp.   6117-6121, 2022.
   [12] D. Wang, J. Dai, Y. Fang, Y. Hu, R. Zhang, Y. Mao, and Q.   H. Liu, “NMM Simulation of Electromagnetic Waves in Cylindrical Geometries   With an Extremely Thin Vertical Layer,” IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens.,   60, pp. 1-10, 2022.
   [13] Y. Mao, Q. Zhan, R. Zhang, D. Wang, W.-F. Huang, and Q. H.   Liu, “Fast simulation of electromagnetic fields in doubly periodic structures   with a deep fully convolutional network,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag.,   69(5), pp. 2921-2928, 2021.
   [14] W. F. Huang, H. Wang, Y. Zhong, R. Zhang, D. Wang, Y. Mao,   Y. Jia, and Q. H. Liu, “Surface Integral Equations for Low-Frequency   Simulation in Well Logging Applications”, IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag.,   69(7), pp. 3957-3965, 2021.
   [15] Y. Mao, J. Niu, Q. Zhan, R. Zhang, W.-F. Huang, and Q. H.   Liu, “Calderón preconditioned spectral-element spectral-integral method for   doubly periodic structures in layered media,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag.,   68(7), pp. 5524-5533, 2020.
   [16] Q. Zhan, M. Zhuang, Y. Mao, and Q. H. Liu, “Unified   Riemann Solution for Multi-physics Coupling: Anisotropic   Poroelastic/Elastic/Fluid Interfaces,” Journal of Computational Physics,   402, p.108961, 2020.